Will War Break Out In The Middle-East This Year? __ Will America Turn Its Back On Israel?

The following is a repost of something I found at Human Events  yesterday. At the end of the article is a link to a free download (PDF) of a report by Chuck DeVore titled The Next Middle East War. I can tell you it is a chilling read. I highly recommend that you download and read this report. The scenario laid out by Mr. DeVore is very plausible.

In early January, Chuck DeVore, a former California lawmaker and U.S. intelligence officer who’s now an  author and Middle East expert, predicted the turmoil in Egypt, weeks before it erupted, in the pages of Investor’s Business Daily.  The San Francisco Chronicle wrote, “Chuck DeVore … beat the CIA to predicting the Egypt Crisis.”

DeVore is now forecasting war between Israel and Hamas and Hezbollah in mid-August, 2011.  This is the premise of his exclusive to Human Events special report, The Next Middle East War, at 22 pages with maps, charts and photos.  It is a quick, informative read that summarizes the origins of today’s unrest and how the conflict might unfold. 

DeVore explains who the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah are, and their objectives (destroy Israel, kill the Jews, then take on Western Civilization).  DeVore also outlines the goals of other regional actors, such as Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.  Using his extensive military intelligence and foreign affairs background, he also provides a day-by-day scenario for the coming conflict and its aftermath—all in a style that is as gripping as it is explanatory.

DeVore studied Islamic political thought at American University in Cairo, Egypt, in the 1980s—before it became fashionable.  As a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel of military intelligence, he understands military operations and the capabilities of armament.  In the latter part of the Reagan administration, DeVore was a White House appointee in the Pentagon as a special assistant for foreign affairs.  In that capacity, he traveled to the Middle East.

During his most recent trip to Israel, his fifth since 1984, DeVore was extensively briefed on the Middle East region by officials in the highest echelons of Israel’s diplomatic and intelligence establishment. 

DeVore brings all of this knowledge and analytical skill to bear for Human Events readers.  Signing up for the special report is free and there is no obligation. Go here to request your free copy of The Next Middle East War.


22 thoughts on “Will War Break Out In The Middle-East This Year? __ Will America Turn Its Back On Israel?

  1. My bet is Obama wants a full scale war in the Middle East before 2012 unless he is way ahead in the polls. George Soros wants it that way. Obama has been setting the table. Why American Jews are not outraged is a puzzle I will never understand.

  2. Hamas has already denounced Obama’s speech as not going far enough. They want nothing less that Israel’s complete destruction, it’s in their charter.

    The problem is these people have never had their asses kicked. If war starts we need to go through that region like Sherman through the south, hanging the ranting, murderous leaders from lampposts as we go. But that will never happen, so the Islamist passive-aggressive global agitprop will continue, because guilty westerners reward them for it.

    Look for many more “aid ship” and border incidents. The Islamist goal is to get Israelis slaughtering “innocent” Arabs on international TV.

    1. Let’s play some “what ifs” here. If Palestine unilateral declares itself to be a nation with the 1967 borders and the UN recognizes this new Palestine what is Obama going to do? He has already come out in favor of the 1967 borders, which Israel can never accept. There will be war. So how is Obama going to be able to enter the war against Palestine? He has put himself in a box. I don’t see how he is going to be able to extricate himself.

      1. Exellent point C. Won’t Samantha Power and Hillary use the “new” standard called “R2P” or “right to protect.”
        I quote:
        In her career as a genocide expert, Power was an indefatigable proponent of R2P, and now on the National Security Council has been “trying to figure out how the administration could implement R2P and what doing so would require of the White House going forward.” The U.N. then imposes its settlement once the war begins.

      2. Obama is painting himself and America into a corner. If Israel comes under attack on multiple fronts and the US does not go to her defense, things could get very ugly indeed. Maybe even nuclear. Then what is our fearless leader going to do?

  3. With his speech yesterday, Mr. Obama gave the go-ahead. I think that he is signaling that he, America, will not intervene!

      1. I have a new post on what Danny Danon said in a op-ed! He has a truly brilliant idea! If you get a chance to read it, tell me what you think! I think Israel would be smart to listen to the man!

      2. I certainly understand Mr. Danon’s sentiments, however, I’m not sure this is the right moment for Israel to make such a move. I do agree that Israel will want to make such a move before the UN recognizes the Palestinian State. IMHO, war is inevitable. Very very sad.

  4. My opinion….
    We took the wrong side in Bosnia under Clinton. And ever since we have been either supporting or placating radical islam against our own interests. Obama has doubled down on this and is, in my opinion, fomenting a war with Israel whom, under Obama, we will not support. This is a travesty for our Christian soldiers who may once again be drawn into a conflict against their own religious morals, supporting their own mortal enemies as they have been asked to do in all of the middle east. This is a travesty for our country. But then, Obama is a travesty…..so what did we expect. Soros has plenty to do with this also….along with other globalists who hate the western (Mosaic) civilization.

    “Responsibility to Protect” is also a travesty created by the UN. It eliminates all natural alliances and demands protection of enemies. The devil is clever indeed.
    Pray for Israel. Pray for us…the U.S.

  5. Yes, Obama is creating foreign policy which cannot end in any way other than war.

    In my view, Obama does want a world war. Also in my view, he wants such a war because he sees war as a way to consolidate his power.

    Would an outbreak of war get Obama re-elected? Possibly. Look at the history of the United States’ politics to see that Americans are loathe to change Presidents during wartime.

  6. I hope to God that our fears are unfounded, but I am afraid the words of our President will embolden the Palestinians and cause them to act in such a manner that Israel will have no other choice but to bring down the hammer. Again, I hope we are all wrong.

    1. Keep an eye on what is going on in Egypt and Iran as well. Israel will defend themselves to the ultimate if necessary. Are we going to be on the sidelines. This president makes me sick.

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