Is It Time To Turn Up The Anti-Marxist Heat?

Before I give you my answer to this question, let’s talk some more about the coming train wreck.

Today at 2:15PM EDT Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will hold a press conference. Reporters will have a chance to ask  questions that are on the minds of people all around the world. Questions like : Will the Fed really stop Quantitative Easing in June as promised by the Fed? If so, for how long?, Is the US in real danger of losing its AAA rating as S&P has warned? What is the Fed going to do about inflation? Why aren’t banks lending? What will happen if banks start lending and all those excess reserves they are sitting on start to enter the market place? What does the Fed think the government ought to do about its fiscal policies?

Those are just a few of the important questions that reporters could ask. Let’s hope that the reporters are well prepared for this press conference. More importantly, will Bernanke give candid answers to these questions? Highly unlikely I would say.  My guess is that Bernanke will try to do two things. He will try to leave the impression that the Fed has everything under control and he will , because of all the heat that the Fed is feeling, try to push blame onto the governments fiscal policy. In the end, I doubt that we will learn much from this long heralded press conference. I would very much like to be pleasantly surprised.

So, if Bernanke isn’t going to help us see into our future, maybe someone who makes their living predicting the future cans give us some insight. I’m talking about Jim Rogers, the well-known investor legend  and chairman of Singapore based Rogers Holding. LewRockwell.Com reports on Mr. Rogers views. For details behind Jim Rogers opinions please read the article. Here I will only try to highlight some of his more pertinent views:

  • He believes that the US will indeed lose its AAA rating within two to three years.
  • His portfolio holds no bonds. His is, in fact, planning to go short in bonds in the near future.
  • He believes the Fed will delay QE III
  • He believes that commodities like oil, gas, silver and, various food grains will continue to rise. 

So ,to my untrained eye trying to read between the lines, it appears as if Mr. Rogers, like so many others, is betting that the politicians do not have the will to do what needs to be done. In other words, he is betting on the train wreck that so many people are talking about today. And that leads me to the subject of today’s post.

My friends, I believe that our best strategy is to assume that the train wreck will happen. Many conservative/libertarian pundits have hoped for this train wreck to occur sooner rather than later. The idea being that the sooner it happens the sooner we conservative/libertarians can start rebuilding the America that our Founders had in mind. But, this position assumes that the people will blame the liberal/marxist for the train wreck. Not a good assumption, in my opinion. 

You see, many liberal/marxist pundits also have been wishing for the train to wreck sooner rather than later. Why? Because they believe that they can convince the people who it was the capitalist free market system touted by the conservative/libertarians that caused the train wreck. And, therefore, it will be they that the people will follow in building their new socialist state.

I think that we should assume that they could indeed sell the idea that the train wreck was the fault of our side no matter how untrue the accusation is.  I can tell you, from my experience here in Venezuela, that when times are really bad and people are suffering, they will be looking for straws to grasp. The only people who will be offering straws will be the liberal/marxist.

This may be a case of the best defense being a strong offense. By that I mean that we need to take advantage of the time between now and the train wreck to build our case that it is  liberal/Marxism that is destroying our country. We need to use the word Marxist or Marxism every chance we get to describe the policies of Obama and the liberals. We need to scare people with the threat of a Soviet style Marxist state. Am I suggesting we use demagoguery? Yes, because demagoguery will be used against us. But wouldn’t that be sinking to their level? Yes. When you are in a street fight, you had better fight like a street fighter. Folks I think we need to get out in front on this issue. If we wait until the train wreck occurs, it may be too late.

So that is what I’m thinking.  It is time to turn up the anti-Marxist heat. What do you think?

19 thoughts on “Is It Time To Turn Up The Anti-Marxist Heat?

  1. For sure the Marxists want the trainwreck, that will usher in the “revolution”. As far as calling them what they are, I don’t have a problem with that, though I usually refer to them as socialists or commies.

    1. In this battle for the undecided, the independents and, the ignorant word choice matters. Liberal and progressive are words they choose for themselves. Socialist is a word they don’t like. Marxist or Communist are words they fear. We need to use them and use them often because that is what they really are behind their masks.

  2. Turn up the heat like there’s no tomorrow – for there might not be a tomorrow. A little pre-emptiveness so to speak.

  3. I see your point Jim. But the reality is, people believe what they want to believe. I’m not sure it matters whether they think collectivism killed them or not. We know that it does but we also know that every great Republic and/or Democracy has failed also. Generally as the state turned socialist. Somewhere in the future- they will try this experiment again.

    I really think had we stuck with the Libertarian tenets of our founders we would have been fine. Our Republic would have worked had we strictly forced our legislators to abide by laws. We lost this country when we let self absorbed and self interested lawmakers write the rules. Like all greedy people, they took full advantage of that situation and their inherent power has doomed us all.

  4. I think we’re already doing this a good bit. I tend to use the term “progressive,” but the meaning is the same. We just need to speak the truth. We’re making progress.

  5. Sooner on their part, because they think they will probably lose in 2012 as they lost in 2010. Sooner on our part for all the reasons you state, Jim! Is it demagoguery to point out the key principles of an ideology? Here is Merriam-Webster: Definition of DEMAGOGUE
    : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
    : a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times

    So I opt for definition #2. Because we are not about “false claims and promises.” We are about championing the cause of individual rights of the common people. Yes? It looks like the word can be used either way, and mostly of late it is used in a derogatory sense. Bottom line…I agree that they need to be called out by the rightful names you suggest. You can add Facsist in there, too. The train wreck may happen anyway, but at least we can name the engineer of the train….

    P.S. O.K. here, but running back and forth between politics and art, home and hearth, and all things between. Hard to fit it all in…hope all is great in your house!!

    1. If we use this tactic, they will accuse us of demagoguery. And even if we are painting with to broad a brush, because not all who for Democrats are Marxist, I don’t care because their votes are helping to lead us into becoming a Marxist/socialist state.

      Things here are as good as they can be, living in a socialist state. Decision and Consequences.

  6. The leftist will be able to convince the people that the train wreck was the fault of the right and it will be because the media will do all that they can to help them out. A pre-emptive strike is what is called for, we cannot let them off the hook for leading us down the path of ruin.

  7. Bernanke has had his press conference and he’s assured us everything is ok, go back to sleep…

    If the train wreck happens, you will see a great split like never before. The half of America that is in the wagon will blame capitalism, while our 50% will blame socialism. I don’t know how it ends.

  8. I believe we need to pour it on and use Progressive and Marxists every time possible, and we need to explain it and we must explain that this is who Obama is, who his father was, who Frank Marshall was, who his Dunham grandfather was – that Obama has marinated in it until he was fully done.

    The problem is, it will be just us bloggers. Good and timely article.

    1. I’m afraid, Maggie, that we, the bloggers, may be the only ones that can stop him and his followers from doing what no army has been able to do. It still amazes me that he maintains a 40+% approval rating. What has to happen to wake those people up?

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