It’s High Time President Obama Began Earning His Paycheck and All Those Perks He Enjoys So Much

If our Republicans in the House had any backbone, they would make the President start earning his way. After all, he worked hard to get the job; but once he got it he has pretty much ignored his responsibilities. And, now he is campaigning for the same job that he is not doing today. The American people have a right to expect more from Mr. Obama. But, Obama isn’t alone in his dereliction of duties. Our boys and girls in Congress haven’t exactly set any productivity records either.

Both Obama and Congress (with the possible exception of Rep. Ron Paul and Sen. Mark Rubio)  have been playing politics with the nation’s debt and deficit crisis. Our leaders are playing catch with a delicately wired time bomb called the “debt ceiling” and this foolishness has to stop.

So, this old man living on the shore of the Sea of Happiness (that is what Castro and Chavez call it anyway) has some recommendations for the Republicans in Congress and indirectly for president Obama. So listen-up Republicans in Congress. It’s time to put your man-pants on and bring this dangerous game you and the president are playing to an end. Here is what I want you to do.

_ I want all of you to return to your home states let’s say next Friday. At 1pm EST you are all going to hold simultaneous press conferences in which you will be talking both to your constituents (America) and to the President. 

_ You will explain to America in simple terms the seriousness of the debt/deficit crisis. You will explain that you, the Republicans are at an impass with the Democrats and President Obama and, therefore, because this time bomb is so delicate and  because time is running out, you are going to do the only responsible thing left to do and that is to stop tossing the bomb back and forth and instead you are going to place it in the hands of the smartest guy in the room and allow him to defuse it. In other words, you have taken the only responsible decision there is and have decided not to raise the debt ceiling or even discuss it for one moment longer. You will say that it is time for the President to earn his keep. You are giving him carte blanch to decide where to cut the spending necessary to get by with the current debt ceiling.

_ You will explain to the American people that the presidents dire warnings that the United States will default on its loans and bring about a world-wide financial crisis if the debt ceiling is not raised is a bald faced lie. There will still be way more than enough money to keep the US from defaulting on its debts. You will remind the President that Secretary Geithner works for him and not the other way around. So, if the there occurs a default, it will be because you, Mr. President, decided not to pay. You will further explain that for the time being there is more than enough money to keep the Social Security checks flowing. So, if the checks are suddenly smaller, it will be because president Obama decided that his czars and his bureaucracy and his Green energy subsidies and his other pet projects are more important than your Social Security checks. You will acknowledge that Social Security and the other so-called entitlement programs are in dire need of reform and you, the Republicans in Congress are more than willing to work with the president on such reforms.

_ You will go on to explain to the American people that what you are asking the president to do is really no big deal. After all, America got along just fine during, for example, the Clinton administration. So, why doesn’t the President just take us back to those spending levels? Or if he needs to assuage his ego he could establish a spending level of say one percent less than that of the Clinton administration.

_ You could end your press conference by directing yourselves to the president and say: “Do the right thing, Mr. President, and lead this great nation of ours out of this crisis. We are confident that you can defuse this time bomb if you only want to do it.”

Well, there you have it. That is what this old man on the shore of the Sea of happiness would recommend to our Republican “leadership”. It’s not a draconian plan by any means, is it? Can someone tell me why america couldn’t get by just fine by reducing our spending level to that of the Clinton administration? There is a marvelous article by Randall Hoven at American Thinker yesterday titled Ten Lessons From Federal Spending that supports what i am recommending. This is one of those must read articles.

So, that’s what I’m thinking. What are your thoughts?


26 thoughts on “It’s High Time President Obama Began Earning His Paycheck and All Those Perks He Enjoys So Much

  1. I agree, he SHOULD start earning all the perks he assumes he is entitled to, but in the time he has left in office I really don’t think he can begin to pay America back for the RAPE of this nation that he, and his regime have caused…

  2. I think your plan is brilliant. The smartest man in the world also has the smartest woman in the world (Hillary) working for him, so they should be able to come up with a plan, right?

    Seriously, you plan really is brilliant. Tell the president to put up or shut up. No more speeches and demagogic outbursts. Put a plan down on paper that the people can debate and that the CBO can score. Unfortunately, the GOP doesn’t have the cojones for such a bold maneuver.

  3. How about just going back to pre-Pelosi days? Remember when deficits were coming down prior to Pelosi becoming Speaker as Dems took both houses of Congress?

  4. Obama has such a sense of entitlement that it beggars description.

    The GOP had better step up to the plate and call his hand if the GOP is to have any chance of winning in 2012!

  5. Wes Pruden had this to say regarding a ‘brilliant’ idea from a former President also lionized by the Dems as a towering intellect. Well, in a roomful of Lilliputian minds, ’tis easy to tower:

    “Bill Clinton, who is no longer president except in his own mind, suggests that the solution to the budget dilemma is to agree to both cut spending and raise taxes, but not actually do either one. “What I’d like to see them do is agree on the outlines of a 10-year plan and agree not to start either [raising taxes] or the spending cuts until we’ve go this recovery underway,” Bubba told ABC News in Chicago, where he is holding forth at something called the “Clinton Global Initiative.” Finally, a plan—promising something and then not delivering—any politician could master.”

  6. I used to think that it was somehow better that Obama wasn’t actually going to work and doing anything, as that way he could do less harm.
    Now I’ve changed my mind. If Obama can’t actually even bother to come to work and make a good-faith effort to attend to the nation’s problems, then he should resign or be impeached for dereliction of duties.
    This has to stop.

  7. I have ceased to be amazed at how President Obama can stay out of the debate over an issue until the “last minute” and then march in, blame the Republicans (and anyone else he disagrees with), tout his “solution” as the greatest thing since sliced bread, and take all of the credit. I am beginning to think Slick Willy needs to give up that nickname and allow our current President, who is clearly the slickest of all, to carry the mantle.

    Seriously, when is the media and the American people going to start holding him accountable for what he has done to our country?

  8. I agree, throw it right at him and put the pressure on him. Obama has been absent from these talks while berating the Congress and I think it is time to turn the tables on him.

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