A Personal Note

This weekend I was invited to join a private consevative discussion forum, I just made my first post there and also had to leave a personal note that I want to share with all of you,  my dear friends:

Personal Note

Between 2003 and 2007 I had four operations on my left eye for detached retina. In the end I lost the battle and the use of my left eye. This past Friday I noted a problem with my right eye. What I can best describe as a cloud had for over part of my eye, blocking about 30% of my field of vision. By late yesterday, the cloud had grown to block about 50% and as I write these words it is now blocking about 60%. The speed at which this has occurred is quite disconcerting. I am trying to stay positive and I do have some reason to be positive. Unlike with my left eye, light does pass through this cloud, which was not the case before. Tomorrow I will see my eye doctor and will learn what the prognosis is. If there is a cure, it will most like take any where six months to a year if the problem is with the retina. If the cause is something else, my recovery might be measured in days or weeks. At this moment, I am having a hell of a time finding the cursor when I need it. so, this first post here may turn out to be my last. Hopefully not. I worse come to worse, I have already decided that I will try to hire an English teacher to come in a few days a week to read Fox News and CNBC to me so I can keep abreast of the news back home and also to read a few blogs each time from my blogroll and maybe even enter some comments for me. I humbly ask for your prayers.

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49 thoughts on “A Personal Note

  1. Ugh, not sure what to say here without echoing the sentiments of everyone above^^. I wish you the very best Jim and I will pray. I had no idea you had such a problem, but I will tell you this much. I would be more than happy to take your emails, clean them up and publish them on COF. Or send them back. Or help any way I can. You have been an outstanding friend- albeit one I have never met in person.


  2. You have my prayers, Jim. If there’s anything I can do for you, let me know. I’d be happy to edit for you if you’re afraid you’re making too many mistakes, or do whatever you need. We need your wisdom and your voice!

  3. Jim you have the prayers of not only myself but also my Bible study and Sundays school class. The enemy will try to stop the truth and the one who disseminate it however he can, this is just one such attack! You may also want to look into a product I saw the other day on TV called “dragon”, its a program that allows you to speak and your words appear in a document. The Lord will bless you richly!

  4. Just catching this, Jim…I’ll be really really selfish and ask God to intervene and help you because I enjoy your site, your sight, your insights so much, as do all of these other wonderful web friends, that we don’t want to be without you at all….and then for your sake as well as ours, I pray God will heal your eyes for you and yours. What you said about an English teacher to help is a good idea…and a secretary to type, and may God send you whatever you need.
    Thinking of you…So sorry for this news. Hang tough!

  5. I hate that this is happening, Jim – but plans are good:
    Plan A- The doctors have a solution
    Plan B – We look into accommodating technology that will enable you to continue blogging.
    Plan C – The secretary idea

    Of course, a divine healing is always a possibility and we’ll pray on that. I do know of one boy at my college who was an accomplished computer programmer despite having a seeing eye dog.

    You’re in good company with the Apostle Paul, who also had eye trouble, but kept on anyway!

  6. Dear Jim,

    Steve let me know that you needed prayer in a comment at my blog. I needed to step away from my computer for a bit before coming over here. Even though I didn’t know your name at the time or about your ailment, while away from my desk I had already lifted you up in prayer to Dr. Jesus. May God give you strength to cope with this and I pray fervently for healing for you.

  7. Sorry to hear about it, Jim. I hope that everything works out & that you recover rapidly from this setback. I had 2 cataract operations last year. One came on so quickly that within a month & a half, I was essentially blind in my left eye. Now I see like an eagle–albeit, a 63 year old eagle with stiff wings. Best wishes to you.

  8. Jim, just to let you know that I am thinking of you, and are hoping to hear something soon. I sure miss your comments as well as your lively posts. No doubt you know about Conservative Radio, but I am sending the link just in case. Please know that you are missed and my prayers continue

  9. Thinking of you on Thanksgiving, my friend. I’m grateful for our relationship (cyber, though it may be). Still praying for your recovery.

    To all of the Conservatives on Fire readers and bloggers, thank you for your voices and your insights. I know we’ll all keep fighting the good fight, and that Jim will be adding his voice again soon.

  10. Been thinking of you over the Thanksgiving weekend, Jim. I am missing you and thankful for all of these good people commenting here who are praying with me that you will be recovering soon. Hang in there!!

  11. If Jim has had retinal surgery, he may have a long as a month-long ban on most kinds of reading. Movement of the eye, as well as tilting the head downward, is discouraged after retinal surgery, particularly the “band” type.

    I’m hoping that Jim’s absence here is due to a successful surgical outcome.

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